October 2022 Newsletter
**This newsletter was written by a CMI member. 4th Newsletter of the year for CMI.
Written by: Author Frank A. Throneberry, which you can email me at Throneberryfrank@gmail.com for suggestions in future Newsletters. I promise your suggestions will be greatly considered, as well as appreciated too.
Month of October 2022 Newsletter for
Is why TBI (Traumatic brain injury),
is not a total roadblock
In a Survivor’s life, but is
actually just a new beginning!
Now then, a while back, I had a sit down with my OT (occupational therapists), “Mishka Saijadi.” Since I did such an excellent job with interviewing the athlete, Mishka suggested I do some more of it. However, at the time, she didn’t have anybody in mind or lined-up I thought. Little did I know though, but my OT little Ms. Mishka had it all planned out.
Yeah, I guess Mishka had it all planned out alright, as my OT explained and said, “I thought it would be a great idea for you to interview, Kendall or Pam who takes the clients on the outings.” At first, I just looked at Mishka , which I was in thought for a minute. As I was thinking to myself, Mishka said, “Or even better yet Frank! I have an even better idea than that for you. You could even interview some of the clients too.”
Just at that moment, I thought of some clients/colleagues of mine who I could potentially interview . Of course, I was aware of the fact, doing this was fulfilling my passion for writing. However, I am now traveling down an unbeaten path of doing interviews, which comes so natural to me. I mean, I only did one of them, but the first one I did, even Mishka text me and said, “Frank you killed it,” which was her way of saying, “Great job😊!!!”
As Mishka was rambling on, I was deep in thought and began to imagine. So, therefore, I’m thinking and feeling like, who knows, I could be like a TBI Journalist, which would be adding to my list of Certified Personal Trainer, Published Author, but first of all, beginning with a Survivor of TBI. Just thinking of the few things I have accomplished in my life, or since my TBI.
Yes, I believe, in fact I know, me being a CMi client and going into pro-gram helped me to accomplish two of those goals. Yeah that is where I both studied to become a, “Certified Personal Trainer,” and with some help from the clinicians as well as my therapist I wrote my first book too.
Therefore, a couple days have gone by, I have had quite a bit of time to think about it and I came up with a great solution. I’m going to interview them all that are willing.
First of all, it was 6:24 in the a.m. hours about it, when I suddenly came up with this idea. Secondly, I have to run it all by Drew Ford and Mishka Saijadi in the attempt to gather up a team. So, in other words, if I cannot sell them the idea, then I’m just wasting my time is all, but I think it is a great idea.
Besides, Mishka’s the one that came up with it first, but I’m gonna take it to an entirely different and new level. As a matter of fact, the level I’m taking it too, will eventually get all of CMi the credit they deserve. So, the way I see it happening is, because of CMi’s client’s, “HIPPA Rights,” I might not be able to mention names. However, we’ll have to try and work our way around that, which means where there is a will, there is a way!
In saying that, I, “Author Frank A. Throneberry,” am willing to give this interview thing a shot. Now thus far, I have spoken with Mishka who I have an OT, therapy session with tomorrow. Oh, but of course, I told her a little bit about my idea, as she seemed to get excited knowing I was on board with her original plans, “😊!”
At any rate, as far as future newsletters go, if I were to limit the questions to 5 or even just 10. Then who knows, I might be able to squeeze in a client, staff, clinician, therapist, maintenance man, upper management, or my team, which will probably be first. Anyway, Drew came, and I had him listen to Mishka’s idea, which he thought was a good one.
At that time I asked Drew, “Well, would you actually even consider being a part of my team?” His answer was quite frank when he said, “Sure, I think it would be a great idea Frank, if you’ll have me.” I said, “Cool, of course we’ll have you. Tomorrow I’m supposed to meet with Mishka, and I will be giving her the same proposition as I did you. Drew said, “Well wasn’t this Mishka’s idea in the first place?” I said, “Yeah, kind of, but I enhanced it, by bringing more of CMi’s employees into it. You know, after I interview them, these people will be receiving the credit they deserve.”
Well, and so once Drew and I were finished with talking about the future newsletters and interviews. That was when we got back into the real reason why Drew comes over in the first place. Apparently I had the month of Septembers newsletter stored in about four or five places on my laptop. However, only one was complete, and that made it easier to find.
Unfortunately, Drew’s time spent with me had expired, but I still yet needed to mention a few things to him. So, very briefly I said, “You know what Drew, I was thinking, you and Mishka should get together and draw up some interview questions to ask me. Just the same as, Mishka and I will do the same for you too, which you and I will do the same for Mishka as well. Doesn’t that sound like a great idea?” Drew said, “Yes it does Frank, but I’ve got to go right now, I’ll see you tomorrow,” which is when he was gone.
Well, as it were and as it’s going to be today, per usual I woke-up super early, but that’s ok. I’m all caught up on my beauty sleep anyway 😊. However, as I remind myself, today is a very special day to me because Mishka set aside, out of her busy schedule, the time to come meet with me. You see, actually I am just a client of CMi, but fortunately I am more than just a client, I am the client that took advantage of the help when it was offered to me. Plus, I am the very client who is writing this newsletter, the same newsletter you’re about to read more about me.
Yessir, it could be this month, or the next, or the next one after that, but the queen of my team has been here. That’s right, “Mishka Saijadi,” is now officially a part of the CMi newsletter team, which made my day. Now, the only thing I have to remember is, besides attending other therapies, this is all I have to do. Not that being an author of a newsletter is like a walk in the park, but I take pride in my work! However, what I was trying to say is, even though I have a team now for CMi’s newsletter. First off, Drew Ford is still, “Marketing Coordinator,” which to him is more important than any newsletter. Just the same as, “Occupational Therapy,” is Mishka Saijadi’s profession too. So, therefore, before Mishka left my place, you can bet she did her OT duties too and got my grocery list 😊.
Well, and so,
When I talked with Mishka earlier, the queen did mention the fact that we should start out with interviewing the staff first. At that time I said, “Well, I was thinking of introducing you Mishka, Drew, and myself first, as the newsletter team of CMi. Mishka said, “Oh, well that’s a nice idea Frank, how do you want to do it?” However, that’s all I’m gonna say for now anyway, but I would suggest if you’re interested, keep your eyes opened for future newsletters!
The way I see it is, before you know it, some of CMi’s precious employees are going to be approaching me and asking, “Hey Frank,” “When are you going to be interviewing me, huh?” Believe me, it’ll happen, just in that fashion, which for the month of their interview, they will be feeling celebrity status 😊! You know, I could only imagine, how proud it would make a person feel, to let their spouse, child, in-laws, parents, friends, or neighbors realize how selfless your employment really is. After all, when you think about it, what you’re doing for others is what you would have them do for you!
Pardon me for saying so, but I don’t want to rub it in, which from reading the previous newsletters you may already know, but I am a devout Christian. So, therefore, from that I will tell you that what you’re doing is following, “The Golden Rule,” which says, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!”
Now, of course, I’m not too sure about how these newsletters are going to be distributed, that’s just not my department. All I do is be the author of them, which by the “Grace of God,” people will actually find them interesting enough to read them. Who knows there could be a long mailing list of insurance companies and their adjusters, guardians, case managers and even family members, but this is getting used as a form of advertisement.
You see, I know this because of the fact, I was told this by Drew Ford him-self. CMi’s newsletter, which I, Author Frank A. Throneberry write, which is just the client is so good I am also being used on CMi’s Web site. Do you even realize how awesome that makes me feel, I mean, not on the outside, I’m too cool for that, but deep down on the inside, I’m like overjoyed!
Therefore, I, am very humbly, going to consider Drew Ford, the Editor of CMi’s newsletter! I mean after all, he does call all the shots, which one of them, determine whether it is well written or not. Now, to me that’s a pretty big deal, but before I get off topic. As a team, we now have, “Mishka Saijadi,” as our Queen, “Drew Ford,” as our Editor, an author, which is me Frank A. Throneberry for CMi’s newsletter.
Mishka Sajjadi, MOT, OTRL, CBIS
Hello, Mishka how are you doing today, it’s good to see you as always?
I’m doing quite well, how are you Frank?
Now together, Drew and I decided to ask you a few questions about Occupational Therapy and what it means to you. So, tell me how does it help the clients you’re working with?
A lot of clients I work with need help or assistance with things that are important to them or important to others, it could be money grocery shopping, cleaning, going out in community. Anything that helps the client in their daily life so they can do it on their own,
At what age was it on your mind or in your heart to pursue a career of helping others in a therapeutic way?
I feel like I’ve always known I wanted to help people; it wasn’t necessarily occupational therapy. It wasn’t until I interviewed someone who had epilepsy that was working as an occupational therapist and was very rewarding. I did some research and found out what the job was like and determined it was a good fit for me. I was 21 years old when I found out I wanted to help in a therapeutic way.
Where is it that you went to school to become an occupational therapist?
I went to Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti. I was living in Ann Arbor at the time. I still keep in touch with old classmates and professors.
How does it make you feel when you learn that a client learns how to live better thanks to your assistance?
It’s very gratifying. I feel a large amount of pride for my client as it is no small feat to overcome the challenges in their lives.
Do the clients appreciate your assistance with their living situation and how do they show appreciation?
I think my clients are appreciative. It is not so much grand gestures but rather in the small things such as trusting me in the details and allowing me to help them. A lot of clients are hesitant to do OT. It takes time to build trust to have clients try new things and new ways of doing things. The best way for a client to show me appreciation is trusting me.
Does occupational therapy help with time management and life situations such as that?
Absolutely, OT can help with that. With time management it’s about building routines and building structure. The more you practice doing things regularly at the same time during the day/week it builds almost like muscle memory. Equipment and devices such as marking things on calendar or setting alarms helps too.
What type of satisfaction do you get out of helping clients and in what way do you think it has helped the two of you?
I get a very large amount of satisfaction. It builds momentum after helping a client and it is motivating to keep going and build traction for every obstacle going forward.
What is it that brought you to Communicare in the first place, and how many other places have you worked in order to compare them too?
I got really lucky with CMI, it was my first interview after graduating from Eastern. I originally wasn’t going to accept the job but rather was going to use the interview as practice, but I actually really loved the interview. I was hesitant regarding the stigma of working with TBI clients, but it humbled me a lot and came to realize that it would be an honor to work with clients with a brain injury. I’ve worked with acute and inpatient rehabs but at CMI I could be the most creative in ways occupational therapy could help clients.
So, therefore, Ms. Queen of the newsletter. With me being just a client who rarely hears what’s going on with upper management. I won’t say how, but let’s just say, I heard you are part of the upper management now. Would you care to give the readers a briefing about that?
I wouldn’t say it is upper management but more middle management. It was an offer I received, and it is to mostly to supervise the other clinicians at CMI and it won’t impact the time with my clients. My life isn’t too different than my original OT job.
Why do you think somebody should choose Communicare over any other rehab to become rehabilitated?
I think CMI their model is something comprehensive and they offer a lot of different services in house. What I’ve seen in the healthcare industry is client receives different services at different places and communication is key between clinicians.
What would you say to somebody who was interested in joining Communicare?
I would say that is a great idea and follow that instinct of joining CMI. I mean it, not just because I work for CMI. There is a sense of comradery and family, and the staff go out of their way to cultivate that culture.