The Role of Physical Therapy in Mental Health

Most people link physical therapy to injuries, and rightfully so, but physical therapy also play a very important role in mental health.   

According to Rob Parent, physical therapist at Communicare Michigan, his role isn’t to simply rehab serious injuries.  “Physical therapy is really part of a greater healthcare plan,” says Rob.  “It takes a team approach to maximize quality of life for all of our members at CMI.”  

 Physical therapy can also have a tremendous impact on the mental health of members.  Benefits of physical therapy on mental health can include: 

  • Improved self esteem 

  • Stronger social interactions 

  • Better sleeping patterns 

  • Reduction in fatigue and pain 

  • Stress/anxiety reduction 

  • Improvement in mood 

 Communicare Michigan has the unique ability to offer both physical therapy and mental health counseling – two therapies that complement each other tremendously well.  Get in touch with us and let us show you what we can do for you! 


PT Myths vs Facts


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